Experience the wonder of silence and scripture on our beautiful campus. This Ignatian-guided silent retreat begins with conferences on prayer. Over the course of the weekend, guests will make seven holy hours with different scriptures taken from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Mass, optional Liturgy of the Hours with catechesis, optional spiritual direction, optional reconciliation, and plenty of quiet time for reflection and prayer is built into the weekend.
Led by Fr. David Huemmer, Chaplain at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center
7 pm ET, Friday, February 14, 2025 to 3 pm ET Sunday, February 16, 2025 at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center in Tipton, IN. Please have dinner prior to checking into the retreat.
Cost: $185, includes a private, single, twin guest room with en-suite bathroom and hotel amenities and five Keltie & Co. Catering meals. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions.
Carpenter’s Shop gifts will be open at the end of the retreat.
Participants: Minimum 5/Maximum 10.
Register HERE before February 7th.
The Called and Gifted charism discernment process begins today at St Thomas Aquinas in West Lafayette, for 2 sessions, Saturdays February 15th and 22nd, from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. To register for this or another location, please go to https://dol-in.org/spiritual-gifts OR CLICK HERE
Calling all grandparents: current, future, adopted, and spiritual! The relationship between a grandparent and grandchild is a precious and impactful one. A Grand(parent) Connection is a ministry aimed at helping grandparents build that relationship on a firm faith foundation. Come listen, share, and pray on 3rd Mondays, 7-8 pm in the Parish Library. Tonights Speaker is Deacon Sid Cammeresi, speaking about Spiritual-Based Grandparenting
Men of St. Maria Goretti: Be inspired by one of America’s future saints! Servant of God Fr. Emil Kapaun was an ordinary man who became an extraordinary priest and Army chaplain, inspiring the men he served on battlefields and in an enemy prison camp. Join us and explore the virtues that made Fr. Kapaun such an inspiration, as told by the men he served with. The Holy Name Society will host the seven-week "Kapaun’s Men Virtue Series" starting Tuesday, Jan. 7. Come for one, some, or all sessions. We will meet at 6 a.m. each Tuesday from Jan. 7 through Feb. 18 in the parish narthex. Enter Door #5 off the South parking lot, near the food pantry. Come for fellowship, great coffee, and grow in your faith! Contact Nathaniel O’Dell for more at [email protected]. Today's topic: Mission
Explore the three commonly used scriptural prayers in the prayers of the church that can be sources of hope as they point to God’s faithfulness even in the midst of difficulties. Fr. Huemmer will lead conferences on the Magnificat (the Prayer of Mary at her pregnancy), the Benedictus (the Canticle of Zechariah in praise) and the Nunc Dimittis (the Canticle of Simeon at the arrival of the messiah).
In the midst of the winter, these gospel canticles can give us hope as we journey to become ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ during the Jubilee Year of 2025.
This retreat begins with Morning Prayer and ends with Adoration, Daytime Prayer and Benediction. In between, guests will enjoy two conferences. Mass, lunch and time for personal reflection will round out the day.
9 am – Welcome in Chapel
9:10 am – Morning Prayer in chapel
9:40 am - Conference 1 –
10:30 am – Break
10:45 am – Conference 2 –
11:45 am – Mass
12:30 pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – Adoration
2:30 pm – Daytime Prayer/Benediction
3 pm – End of Day – Carpenter's Shop open
Led by Fr. David Huemmer, Chaplain, and Deacon Marty Stout at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center
9 am to 3 pm, Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center in Tipton, IN.
Cost: $35, includes Keltie & Co. Catering lunch. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions.
Carpenter’s Shop gifts will be open at the end of the retreat.
Participants: Minimum 5
Sign up HERE by February 14th.
The parables of Jesus are designed to shake us up, to shock, confront, provoke, and indict us. Each parable works differently, and each must be studied separately to determine its significance, how it functions, and how it calls its readers to respond. Explore a variety of parables in this new Threshold Bible Study offering—each empowering us to think, teach, and act like Jesus did, to accept his new vision of the world, and to participate wholeheartedly in the new life he offers. We meet every Tuesday morning, 9-10:30am, and Wednesday evening, 7-8:30pm, beginning January 14 & 15. The study’s fee is $10 per person. To register, visit smgonline.org/bible-study. For more information, contact Kate LaPaglia, [email protected].
The Holy Family Mom's Group meets at Quaker Park (17501 Dartown Rd in Westfield) until Thanksgiving and then will switch to inside get togethers until the spring. Meet us in the Church Nursery at 10 am Tuesdays beginning December 3.
The Called and Gifted charism discernment process begins today at St Alphonsus Liguori in Zionsville, for 3 sessions, Tuesdays February 18th, 25th and March 4th To register for this or another location, please go to https://dol-in.org/spiritual-gifts OR CLICK HERE
The St. Monica Prayer Ministry lifts up in prayer those who have distanced themselves from or left the Catholic faith. The group meets on the third Tuesday of every month in classroom #124 of the school (entrance #4 far West side of the South lot) now known as the Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel to pray Way of the Cross: For Loved Ones Who Have Left the Faith. Join us every 3rd Tuesday, 7-8:30pm. If you have questions, contact Deb Grisham, 317-690-1597. The St. Monica Prayer Ministry invites you to submit the first name(s) of those you would like to lift in prayer for a return to the Catholic faith. There is a prayer intention box on the Respect Life table in the church narthex. Individuals submitted will be prayed for by ministry members.
Blessed Among Women is an opportunity for women of St. Maria Goretti and the surrounding area to gather to grow together in our common faith. The widely acclaimed Abiding Together podcast presented by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, Michelle Benzinger, and Heather Khym will provide the foundation for our reflection and casual conversation.
There is no charge, no homework, and no special expertise needed to participate. You need not commit to all sessions—just come when you can!
Winter dates: January 22- February 26 from 1-2:30 pm in the Youth Room in the basement of the church.
If you have questions, please contact Vicki Stauffacher ([email protected]) or Deb Krupowicz ([email protected]).
To register: smgonline.org/blessed
The parables of Jesus are designed to shake us up, to shock, confront, provoke, and indict us. Each parable works differently, and each must be studied separately to determine its significance, how it functions, and how it calls its readers to respond. Explore a variety of parables in this new Threshold Bible Study offering—each empowering us to think, teach, and act like Jesus did, to accept his new vision of the world, and to participate wholeheartedly in the new life he offers. We meet every Tuesday morning, 9-10:30am, and Wednesday evening, 7-8:30pm, beginning January 14 & 15. The study’s fee is $10 per person. To register, visit smgonline.org/bible-study. For more information, contact Kate LaPaglia, [email protected].
All are invited – parishioners and non-parishioners – to a special workshop at no cost in the parish narthex on Thurs., Feb. 20, from 6:30-8:00p focused on coping with and healing from substance use, whether it pertains to you or someone you love. Holly Homan, LCSW, LCAC, therapist and owner of JRNY Counseling in Carmel, will deliver the workshop titled, “What’s Your Solution?” Each attendee will receive self-reflection information and a challenge for next steps in their own journey of healing. An open Q&A will follow the presentation. Contact Steve Alic for more at 317-867-3213 x1203.
The Temple Knights of the Holy Eucharist is a high school fraternity that encourages teen boys growing toward manhood to stay active in their faith. The Knights fraternity also helps young men discern their future vocations as married, consecrated, or ordained Christian men. You may direct inquiries to Father Mike McKinley at (317) 867-3213 Ex. 1148.
The Forty Hours Devotion is a time of continuous prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and a beautiful opportunity for our Parish Family to draw closer to Him. We will gather in the church for personal prayer in adoration of Jesus beginning 7pm, Sunday, February 23, ending at 8pm, Tuesday, February 25. All are welcome to attend as much of this devotion as your schedule permits. No registration is required.
After your visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, please take and wear an “I Adored” sticker in the Church Narthex. Your sticker just might produce a Holy Spirit-filled moment or conversation with someone you know or will know soon.
The Forty Hours Devotion is a time of continuous prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and a beautiful opportunity for our Parish Family to draw closer to Him. We will gather in the church for personal prayer in adoration of Jesus beginning 7pm, Sunday, February 23, ending at 8pm, Tuesday, February 25. All are welcome to attend as much of this devotion as your schedule permits. No registration is required.
After your visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, please take and wear an “I Adored” sticker in the Church Narthex. Your sticker just might produce a Holy Spirit-filled moment or conversation with someone you know or will know soon.
Parents are especially invited to bring children of all ages to our 40 Hours Devotion for any length of time from 3-5pm, Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25. Picture books, age-appropriate reading materials, soft music playing in the church, and activity/prayer booklets along with pencils and colored pencils will be featured during these hours to facilitate age-appropriate prayer. Parents also are encouraged to talk quietly with their children in the pews and around the church during these hours.
The Forty Hours Devotion is a time of continuous prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and a beautiful opportunity for our Parish Family to draw closer to Him. We will gather in the church for personal prayer in adoration of Jesus beginning 7pm, Sunday, February 23, ending at 8pm, Tuesday, February 25. All are welcome to attend as much of this devotion as your schedule permits. No registration is required.
After your visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, please take and wear an “I Adored” sticker in the Church Narthex. Your sticker just might produce a Holy Spirit-filled moment or conversation with someone you know or will know soon.
The parables of Jesus are designed to shake us up, to shock, confront, provoke, and indict us. Each parable works differently, and each must be studied separately to determine its significance, how it functions, and how it calls its readers to respond. Explore a variety of parables in this new Threshold Bible Study offering—each empowering us to think, teach, and act like Jesus did, to accept his new vision of the world, and to participate wholeheartedly in the new life he offers. We meet every Tuesday morning, 9-10:30am, and Wednesday evening, 7-8:30pm, beginning January 14 & 15. The study’s fee is $10 per person. To register, visit smgonline.org/bible-study. For more information, contact Kate LaPaglia, [email protected].
The Holy Family Mom's Group meets at Quaker Park (17501 Dartown Rd in Westfield) until Thanksgiving and then will switch to inside get togethers until the spring. Meet us in the Church Nursery at 10 am Tuesdays beginning December 3.
Parents are especially invited to bring children of all ages to our 40 Hours Devotion for any length of time from 3-5pm, Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25. Picture books, age-appropriate reading materials, soft music playing in the church, and activity/prayer booklets along with pencils and colored pencils will be featured during these hours to facilitate age-appropriate prayer. Parents also are encouraged to talk quietly with their children in the pews and around the church during these hours.
Blessed Among Women is an opportunity for women of St. Maria Goretti and the surrounding area to gather to grow together in our common faith. The widely acclaimed Abiding Together podcast presented by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, Michelle Benzinger, and Heather Khym will provide the foundation for our reflection and casual conversation.
There is no charge, no homework, and no special expertise needed to participate. You need not commit to all sessions—just come when you can!
Winter dates: January 22- February 26 from 1-2:30 pm in the Youth Room in the basement of the church.
If you have questions, please contact Vicki Stauffacher ([email protected]) or Deb Krupowicz ([email protected]).
To register: smgonline.org/blessed
The parables of Jesus are designed to shake us up, to shock, confront, provoke, and indict us. Each parable works differently, and each must be studied separately to determine its significance, how it functions, and how it calls its readers to respond. Explore a variety of parables in this new Threshold Bible Study offering—each empowering us to think, teach, and act like Jesus did, to accept his new vision of the world, and to participate wholeheartedly in the new life he offers. We meet every Tuesday morning, 9-10:30am, and Wednesday evening, 7-8:30pm, beginning January 14 & 15. The study’s fee is $10 per person. To register, visit smgonline.org/bible-study. For more information, contact Kate LaPaglia, [email protected].
All women of the parish are invited to join us to study Fr. Jacques Philippe’s Time for God. We will meet in the church nursery (off of the church narthex) during the school year months from 9-10:30am one Thursday a month. Save the upcoming meeting dates: Jan 30, Feb 27, March 20, April 24, and May 22. Any moms attending are welcome to bring their children along as well. For details, call or text Annmarie Schwarz, 765-490-3639.
All women age 21 and over are invited to our annual Ladies Candlelight Dinner! Invite a friend, neighbor, sister, co-worker or come alone and join the women of our Parish for a night of faith, fellowship, and fundraising. Tickets are $60 each. Each ticket includes a buffet dinner and complimentary wine and beer. A cash bar will be available with additional drink choices. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the event (cash, check, or card accepted). Our speaker will be Stephanie Engelman, presenting Amazing Grace: Finding Hope in the Lord. Please CLICK HERE to register
A Youth Group for all 3rd and 4th grade SMG parishioners: Fun, faith-filled experiences and activities (games, songs, crafts, stories and snack) in a casual youth group environment. Tonight's Topic: Mental Health