Mrs. Molly Klen
September – May
Child must be 3 before September 1st
Limited with first priority given to St. Maria Goretti Parishioners based on Parish registration date, followed by non-parishioners. For more information please contact Alli Bell at [email protected] or 317-896-5582 ex 1202.
Tues/Fri: 8-11am, 6 hours per week.
Monthly Tuition: $180, Annual Tuition: $1,620
Registration Fee: $50
Supply Fee: $75
Tues/Fri: 12:15-2:50pm, 5 hours per week.
Monthly Tuition: $160, Annual Tuition: $1,440
Registration: $50
Supply Fee: $75
St. Maria Goretti Preschool provides developmentally appropriate activities where children can discover for themselves their ever changing world. Activities are planned so that children learn the give and take of everyday living, sharing, taking turns, and respecting the rights of others. They learn to stand up for their rights, to work and play happily, and to grow and develop emotionally, physically, socially, intellectually, and spiritually at their own pace. Each day is centered on the commandment,“Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)
Drop-off is at the School Entrance off the north parking lot. Cars line up along the curb and teachers assist the children out of the car.
Pick up occurs in the north parking lot. Cars line up along the curb and teachers walk the children to the car. Parents are asked to stay in the car. If children need help buckling once in the car, parents may pull forward along the drive where they can assist their child without slowing the progress of the line.